(be sure to follow our new blog at www.rovsiemreap.wordpress.com)

Hello, Hello!

Just a quick post today to let you all know we made the rather long journey from the Elephant Sanctuary to the beautiful city of Siem Reap.

Getting up nice and early we had an early breakfast all together then jumped on the bus to make the 12 hour journey!

Throughout the journey we were treated to a wide selection of Cambodian Karaoke songs, some big budget Western action films (Pacific Rim and Battleship) and beautiful scenery throughout.

At our longest stop in Skun a couple of our volunteers took the brave step to try the fried Tarantulas on offer!

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Alex, Ronelle and Eve the brave few

Arriving into Siem Reap at 8pm we all went out for dinner after meeting our fantastic local guide Bun. Many were exhausted from the long day and went straight to bed while others kicked on to check out the fabulous at the famous Night Markets.

All in all a long but productive day and everyone is so excited to explore the city properly tomorrow!

We are now be going to be moving over to our other blog site so be sure to make the change and keep sending your messages of love and support to our amazing volunteers.

You can follow all our amazing work next week at www.rovsiemreap.wordpress.com

Much Love
